A Title Image for Kiev Blog Post

Kiev a Modern and Historical Adventure

Kiev is at the top of my lists of places to visit if you’re a fan of learning about World War and Cold War history. Although, Krakow is still at the top of my list. I had the opportunity to visit the city when my dad was in the continent on a business trip.  It was great because not only did I get to see my dad but we had some of his local co-workers take us around the city.  It made it super easy to navigate the language by asking them to translate, rather than me stumbling with my Google Instant Translate app.  The city has some really great sites and museums to visit.  Like most cities in Eastern Europe, they’re only really starting to recuperate from the devastation of the Soviet regime and more recently the corruption of their ex-President, Viktor Yanukovych.  However, the city is really developed at the same time.  It might be an inexpensive city but it isn’t some backwards country like you hear in the media.  It’s like any other major city in the world. They have large grocery stores, street markets, a brilliant night life, large scale hotels, and much more.  As always though, be safe and use common sense when exploring.

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Church in Krakow in Old Town

Krakow Tours Galore & Randoms

In early July, I made a trip to Poland. Krakow to be more specific. Originally I was going to fly to Warsaw but a friend of mine told me to skip it and head to Krakow instead. Boy was that a good decision. I had no idea where Krakow was in Poland or what it even represented. After a quick Google Search, I found out that it was not very far from the infamous Auschwitz. I’m sure if you’ve seen a World War II movie in the last decade you’ll know what it is. For those who don’t have an idea though, it was the Nazi’s largest Jewish internment (concentration) camp. It’s by far one the worst moments in human history. If you have a huge fascination for world history this is for sure a must-see, must-visit location. If you’re not as interested in that, there’s still something here for the foodies! Continue Reading

London: Tower of London

The infamous Tower of London.  If you’re really into the history of London it’s definitely a must see museum.  I’d highly suggest getting the audio guide you can rent for 4 pounds, which you can find after you walk through the first gate.  There also the Yeoman guides you can follow.  You should probably do this first.  Without this manned guide you cannot enter the churches unless you’re going to the churches to attend service.

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