Toronto, ON, Canada

Current Field (2020)
Analytics & Data Strategy, Marketing Technology

Current Workspace

  • Google Marketing Platform (Analytics, Tag Manager, Optimize)
  • Heap Analytics
  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud (Email, Social Studio)
  • Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets

Other Skills

  • Languages: English, French (Français), Chinese (中文), Japanese (日本語)
  • Homelab: Docker, Proxmox, Edgerouter
  • Digital Design: Illustrator, Photoshop, Lightroom
  • Photography: Canon 60D (50mm 1.4, 70-200mm 4L, 17-50mm 2.8)
  • Degree in Health Studies & French @ University of Toronto

About Me (Written in 2014)

I’m Christopher Law.  I’m sure you can tell by browsing around my blog you can see that I love travelling.  I suppose it makes sense that I moved to London in July 2014.  It’s the travel hub of all of Europe! I haven’t really had the chance to see it all, so hopefully I do this time around.  As I travel a great pass time is eating great food! You should see all the food I’ve eaten on my other blog Munch On These.  I have a bunch of other social media channels you can follow me on.  On my YouTube channel I’ll post some of the most random things ever.  If you want a quick look at some other foods you should definitely take a look at my Instagram!

Aside from food and travel I do have other hobbies.  After food and travel I think the next thing would definitely be language.  If you read the bullet points above you’ll see that I can speak four languages.  It’s nothing special really, the first three I was forced to learn since I was young.  I also did a major in French.  Japanese on the other hand is something I learned on my own.  It all started one day when I saw some really bad fansubs and thought to myself I could do better! I took it upon myself to put myself to work and learn how to translate.  That later turned into one heck of a beast and I ended up learning a lot more! I wrote more about it on my portfolio page under Rumi Production.

I like consuming information but I also love sharing it.  That’s how I got into doing social media and blogging.  I’m always trying to find new ways to use social media and market ideas to the masses.  In 2013, I participated in a hackathon called Hacking Health at the MaRS Centre in Toronto.  The idea was to develop an app or idea that could solve a problem of your choosing.  I ended up choosing stigma in mental health.  Using social media and what I had learned during my undergrad I came up with an idea to fight the stimga by using social media as leverage.  Health is a very big topic for me; specifically obesity and sweeteners.  In my final year I wrote a paper on how sugar markets affect obese populations in major cities like Toronto, and London.  I could probably talk for hours about the issue.  If you’re interested maybe I’ll write a post about what I found!

In my spare time I try and dedicate some of it to non-profit groups.  Lions Club International has given me a lot of opportunity to show my worth in the community.  For a couple years I was a Lions mentor to a youth division called Toronto Hong Kong Leos.  It was a blast working with them. Last year I helped them organize a singing competition and they raised well over $3000 in donations for SickKids hospital.  I haven’t had that chance here in London yet, but I’m still looking for something that’ll suit me.

And that’s it! If you have any questions about anything I do or have a comment please leave it down below.  You can also strike up a conversation with me on Twitter!