Day 6: Middle Ages, Pantheon & Crypts

Today turned out to be a beautiful day after the rain stopped around noon! Blue skies everywhere! I was able to get a lot of photos that I actually liked. I personally don’t like all 71 I’m posting now, but they’re important for memories. Also, I’ve decided to upload the photos in slightly higher resolution.

Musée National du Moyen Âge I set out today around noon-ish.  I first went walking around Notre-Dame again looking for the crypts.  But guess what? It took me an hour to find them because the signs kept on pointing me in the wrong direction.  Why make an arrow pointing south when the freaking entrance is west?! It wasn’t until someone showed me where it was I noticed it.  But, I decided to move on to the next museum since I wasted too much time there.  I’ll go back again when I hit up le Louvre again on Friday.  Anyway, I ended up at le Musée National du Moyen Âge first.  You can see all the photos at the bottom.  The place isn’t bad.  But, it was blazing hot inside and impossible to breathe.  It seems to me that people in the middle ages of France really liked their religion.  I probably saw more statues and paintings of Jesus Christ, than I did inside the Cathedral of Notre-Dame.  Probably the best part of the museum was the court room, or what looked like what would be a court of those times.  It had a nice open ceiling that lit the area really nicely.  They put a bunch of heads and headless statues in that room.

Pantheon in Paris The next museum I headed off to was the Pantheon.  This Pantheon seems nothing like the one in Rome.  Though, I’ve yet to see the one in Rome, I’m almost certain its better.  At least from what I’ve seen in the documentaries I’ve watched.  It’s actually not all that big inside.  Sure the ceiling is really high but space wise there isn’t much to see.  However, going down the crypts is pretty cool.  You get to visit a whole lot of famous dead people.  My favourite being Alexander Dumas and Victor Hugo.  You might not recognize the names, but their books you will.  Dumas did Three Musketeers and Hugo did the Hunchback of Notre-Dame!

Little Tokyo Both those visits and my days worth of walking took me around 5 hours today. I’m pretty much crippled after that!  Aside from visiting the museums, in the same area you can find things like Japan Town which sits right next to China Town in Paris.  Found these Japanese import stores while I was looking for the Pantheon.  After all that walking I needed to rest, so I sat in front of the Pantheon on the steps.  From there I took a bunch of fun shots of the Pantheon, but my favourite is probably the shot of the Eiffel Tower! You can actually see it from there.  I even had a pigeon model for me.

For dinner, I actually ended up eating around Bagnolet today.  Grabbed a couple croissants and pizza slice.  Don’t worry, the pizza is pretty much Frenchified too.  Originally after walking around for 5 hours, I wanted to eat Greek, but I forgot where le quartier Grecque was.  I passed by it the other day but I couldn’t remember where it was! I’ll look it up tonight so I can have it for lunch tomorrow.

I’ll be making tomorrow my day of rest.  Won’t carry around my bag with me and I won’t be walking around museums for 4 hours straight.  Just time to relax, eat, drink some wine and enjoy.  Need to rest my feet for Friday.  Friday, I’ll go all out again and hit up a bunch of museums again.  Need to see le Louvre at night!  I think tomorrow I’ll do another video.  I’ll probably post some other videos I’ve been also meaning to post as well.  For now enjoy the gallery again!

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