Day 5: Notre-Dame, Fête de la Musique!

Hey, everyone!  Today’s post is gonna be super short because I don’t really have time today to edit all my photos and the videos I took today.

But, basically went walking around le quartier latin today.  I first went to le cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris. Like any other cathedral, lots of walking and photo taking.  I did get chance to use my Canon 50mm 1.4 though.  Honestly, its pretty hard to shoot with on a crop body camera.  I gotta stand pretty far back for even a small object.  But, I did manage to get some shots I really liked.  I did end up spending too much time inside the cathedral and didn’t have time to check out the crypts of Notre-Dame.  I’ll have to do that tomorrow!  After the cathedral, I ended up walking all over the place in le quartier Latin.  Today was le Fête de la Musique! Its a day where there’s random bands or groups sing or play music all over the city! Even on my way home there were groups of people everywhere listening to someone, or even dancing on the street. Mind you there were some crazies.  You’ll know what I mean when you see my videos.

Tomorrow, I’m hoping to hit the Eiffel Tower, Crypts, and Le Louvre again for the Nocture exhibit, whatever that is.  But, means that Le Louvre is open much later than usual.  I think until 10PM instead of closing at 6PM.  Anyway, until tomorrow! I’ll hopefully have time to do it then! Ciao!

UPDATE: Here are the photos from day 5!

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