London: Camden Lock & Stables Market

Welcome to CamdenAt this point in my trip this was probably the largest market I’ve been to thus far.  I spent nearly the whole day at these markets and its surrounding areas.  I was lucky enough to meet up with some people familiar with the area who showed me around the place. The second you exit the tube station you know that you’re no longer in a typical London we’re so familiar with in Hollywood movies.

The first thing you will notice is the number of tattoo and piercing shops around.  Not to mention the number of metal/punk rock folk handing out flyers to invite you to their shops.  The market is about a block away from Camden Town station on the Northern Line.  The first set of shops you’ll see is the large green sign that say Camden Market.  This is only a small piece of the market and the much larger one, Stables Market, is down the street from here.  These markets have a very large variety of things.  You’ll find everything from old antique chests, mirrors, shoes, clothing, statues, dolls, posters, old records, etc.
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London: Borough Market

Borough Market

This is definitely one of those must see markets here in London.  Borough Market is located underneath the rail station at London Bridge Station.  You can get there by taking the subway (aka metro, underground, tube).  After exiting the station it is actually pretty hard to miss the place.  The smell of barbecue is really strong.  So just follow your nose; or a map. Continue Reading

London Report 1

London Report

I’ve finally arrived in London and it’s been two whole days since I’ve landed.  It was really quick getting out of the airport, since all I had was carry-on.  I had a bus booked for 11:10 AM but ended up waiting almost an entire hour for my pick-up time.  And since it is London, it was raining hard yesterday.  My bus ride that normally takes an hour to get into town took an extra 40 minutes because of debris and car accidents on the highway.  Luckily it worked out.  I had to meet up with a friend to get his keys to his place so I could settle in.  He was running a bit late but we ended up arriving at the same time.

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Surviving New York City

Those of you who know me on Facebook have probably seen quite a few of the foods I’ve had already on this one week pig fest.  I’ve made it my sworn mission to eat at as many restaurants in New York City (NYC) as I can possibly can.  How is it possible to have 5 full meals a day you ask?  By slowly pacing myself, bit by bit.  Don’t worry I’m pretty sure my GI health is doing fine, things seem fine on the bottom end of the world.

Today is my sixth day in the city.  Though I feel fine, I’ve decided to take it easy today – on my stomach – and relax at a Starbucks while I write this blog.  I thought I’d share with everyone my thoughts on the city and my experiences getting here, living here, and most importantly, eating here.  I’ll talk mostly about the first two things and food will come in a later post.

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Winter Tour: The Great Berliner Experience

I made it to Berlin! I have to say I love this city so far. It’s probably the most foreign city to me but overall it was pretty damn good. Now I say foreign because in France, I can get by with speaking French, England, obviously, and Holland I can always call up my uncle, but Germany, I know pretty much NOTHING. I more or less walk into random restaurants and get someone to explain the menu to me. If that doesn’t work then, I guess I have no choice but to walk out. But, I have to give it to Germans. They are really patient in trying to explain things to me, even if their English is limited or non-existent.

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